Flash Video MX Pro
- Video conversion to FLV & SWF
- DVD conversion to FLV & SWF
- Flash 8 video encoding
- Flash 8 Alpha video video encoding
- Flash Player with brilliant skins
Each one of us must have a film or scene that inscribed in our deep mind, shaped our memory, and be part of our life. Roman Holiday, Lion King, Forrest Gamp, The Philadelphia Story, etc. are never the exceptions. Each one of us must also have a piece DV video---carrying joy or sorrow--- that once moved us and make us can't resist taking a look at every other time. It is must be true as well that you find a video that funny enough to share with your friends in no time!
Why always suffer them to be in “My Favorites” only and neglected by sharing? Why not content yourself by enjoying and sharing all these with your friends and let them touch your feeling? Why not insert these classics, moments to your homepage, make them Flash, post them to your blog, and thereafter of course sharing is possible?
If yes and is not aware of how, Flash Video MX Std (MX Std) is supposed to help to realize your dream fact, as first of all things you have to do is to change your video to be Flash video (FLV), Flash (SWF), which are the most preferred formats for video delivery on the Internet. It will take care of all the production process tasks with its powerful functions: parameter settings (bit rate, size, frame rate, code, etc), video trimming (trim for a video clip), video cropping (crop for an area of the movie), Flash Player (to control the playback), and most of all, it offers all the essential elements for a video sharing: FLV, SWF, HTML, and thumbnail!
If it is posted online, what you have to do is to send the link to your friends and let them know.
OK, let me present you a demonstration that the above fail to tell.
The tutorial of Flash Video MX Std detailing the step-to-step using guide is on
Now, let's go on to advance to the video posting:
If you have ever done such kind of work, you will be quite familiar with the webpage uploading: use a webpage upload software, like FlashFlex, cuteftpZH, etc. to upload all the stuff, including the FLV(if it is external), SWF and the HTML, along with the thumbnail to the host and give it an address, and then, open the link, you will see the video immediately. What you see on http://www.video-to-flash.com is done in this way.
Or just insert these codes to your home page, and upload the FLV and SWF to your server host.
<!--url's used in the movie-->
<!--text used in the movie-->
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="400" height="300">
<param name=movie value="myflvplayer.swf?playerOpts=targetClip*demo.flv*s">
<param name=quality value=high>
<embed src="myflvplayer.swf?playerOpts=targetClip*demo.flv*s" quality=high pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="300">
Now, please follow the instructions below:
▼Change the myflvplayer.swf in blue above to be your Flash name generated from MX Std.
▼Change the demo.flv in red above to be your Flash video name generated from MX Std.
▼Change the values in width="400" height="300" above to get a suitable dimension.
Post your Flash on your blog.
If the blog server provider allows you to upload Flash video from local computer, that's good enough, and you just follow the instructions and upload your video. If not, it's a little bit troublesome, but still with solution, in the HTML code box, copy in the code above and see the result.