Order Help
Product F. A. Q

- What are the differences between the trial version and the registration version?
For the trial versions, the limitation respectively is:
Flash Video MX Pro: watermark on the output video.
Flash Video MX Std: watermark on the output video.
DVD to Flash Converter: watermark on the output video.
Flash Video MX SDK V2: watermark on the output video and sound interferences integrated in the audio. - Does the software support Mac OS X?
The software can't run on Mac OS X currently. It only supports Windows Vista, XP, 2000, +SP6, NT4.0 or above, but not Windows 98 or Windows Me. - What will I get, if I purchase the software?
You will receive the email within 24 hours, which depends on the delivery of the email system offered by the relevant E-commerce Payment Processing Service provider you selected, SWREG or REGNOW. Please ensure your MTA allows emails from our domains and SWREG or REGNOW. You may find a link for receipt and link for key code. You can print the receipt and open the link for key code. Then you can download and install the retail version from the download link and register with the registration code. - Can I get a CD for storage?
Yes, you can. However, as SWREG does not support CD delivery now, you should purchase the software through REGNOW. Please find the option for the CD and check to include CD. Please enter a valid mailing address, so that you can get the CD ASAP. - Will the updates be free of charge, if I have purchased the software?
It is free to update the same version prefix, e.g. it is free to upgrade from v1.1 to v1.6, but you may have to pay extra fee for the upgrade from v1.12 to v2.1. Generally, there will be a great upgrade when the version prefix is changed. - I will install it on my PC, but soon I'll purchase a new laptop. Must I purchase two licenses?
Yes, you have to buy two licenses. Our products are licensed on a “one to one” basis. This means you can not install the program on two or more computers, but to buy one license for one computer. If you want to install the program on your old computer, later uninstall it, and install it on your new laptop, then you have to completely uninstall the program and delete the installation folder on the old computer. Then download the registration version from the link we offered after you purchased to the new laptop and then install it.
- What are the ways available for me to purchase the software?
You can pay by credit card online or credit card by fax or by phone. You can also pay by ACH with Proforma Invoice, wire transfer, bank check or PayPal. Generally, credit card online is recommended, as the order will be processed quicker with valid credit card. - I want to pay via credit card online, but what does Card Security Code mean?
The card security code is often known as CSC or CVV2. It is the last 3-digit number printed on the back of all Visa, MasterCard and Switch cards, which shows a strip for signature and a sequence of numbers. For American Express card, the Card Security Code is the 4-digits number on the front of your card, above and either on the left or right of the account number. If you want to purchase via REGNOW, the statement for the CSC is verification number. - I'm buying with the credit card, however, why can't I get the program on time?
This may be because the credit card is in reviewing state. There are several situations that may encounter this state:
1. The transition money amount is big.
2. You are in the pirate version flooded or poor ecommerce country.
3. The IP address is not in accord to the one you have filled up.
4. Your email or credit card has a refund record.
- What kinds of currency do you accept?
Via SWREG: Nearly all kinds of currency are accepted, including US $, GBP, EUR, CAD, JPY, CHF, AFA, ALL, DZD, ARS, AUD, BSD, BBD, BMD, BRL, GRL, CLP, CNY, COP, XOF, CRC, CYP, CZK, DKK, XCD, EGP, FJD, XAU, HKD, HUF, ISK, INR, IDR, XDR, ILS, JMD, JOD, KWD, LBP, MYR, MTL, MXN. MAD, NZD, NGN, NOK, PKR, PHP, XPT, PLN, ROL, RUR, SAR, XAG, SGD, SKK, ZAR, KRW, SDD, SEK, TWD, THB, TTD, TRY, AED), VEB, VND, ZMK. You can select the currency you want when you face the first step of the purchase.
Via REGNOW: Only US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, Australian Dollar and Canadian Dollar are available when you purchase.
The prices listed are USD based. - I notice that there is an item named "Registration Backup Service" below the software, must I pay for it?
This kind of service is offered by SWREG, and it is automatically included when you click to pay for products. It depends on your need whether to include this kind of service or not with extra payment. There is also such item named "Extended Download Service" with REGNOW. With SWREG, you can directly click "Remove" to exclude the item. With REGNOW, you need to check the box on the "Remove" column and click "Update" button to save the change. - What is PayPal?
PayPal is an e-commerce business owned by eBay. It enables any individual or business with an email address to securely, easily and quickly send and receive payments online. - What should I do if I want to pay via PayPal?
Step 1, Find the software you want to purchase and click on the "Buy Now" button for it.
Step 2, Check off the quantity you want to purchase and fill in the form with the email address for your PayPay account and choose PayPal as the payment method. If you don't have an account on PayPal, you should create one with your information.
Step 3, Confirm the payment. Login your account and you will find an email about the payment for the software, click to confirm the purchase.
The prices listed are USD based. - I purchased your software via wire transfer, but I still have received no email from you?
It may take a longer time to purchase via wire/bank transfer than credit card. If you are not sure whether your order is processed or not, please send us an email with your payment information. - I just ordered the product, but received an error stating that my order can not be automatically processed at the moment and will be manually processed. What should I do?
Possible cause for the error message is:
a. Invalid information entered. This order had been declined by the fraud team as the contact details given on the order were all invalid. Please fill with valid details or re-order with the correct details.
b. Credit card rejected. The card issuing bank has refused authorization for the payment. Please contact the bank & clear the payment. The bank will also be able to advise the reason for the decline statement.
c. The order is not processed because the card type is unknown. Please send us an email with the order number and the registered email address if you are not sure with the cause. We will find out the cause for the problem and inform you about the situation as soon as possible.
Top »- I have purchased the software but there is no email from you?
Please ensure your Email server, MTA, allows emails from us, SWREG or REGNOW. If you don't have email blocked, please send us your order number with registered email address. - I bought this, but now it is telling me that the download link is corrupted or invalid. How do I get this running?
Please wait for a while to download the software again from the link we offered, ensuring the URL is correctly linked, i.e. there is no space with the download link. If you still can't download the file, please inform us with your order number with registered email address. - I've received the email, but I can't find the registration version anywhere?
Please notice the statement in the email saying "Get key code here:" and click on the link beside and then you will face a page with download link for the registration version and registration code. - I can't find the registration code. The key code is blank in the previous email. Can you send me the key code?
Please notice that there is a statement saying "Get key code here:" and click on the link beside and then you will face a page with download link and registration code. Download the retail version and the registration code only works with the retail version.
Top »- I get an error stating "The setup files are corrupted. Pleas obtain a new copy of the program." when I try to install the full version?
This might be caused by incomplete download of the full version or we are uploading the update version of the program - When I am installing the retail version, a message pops up asking me if I want to install the program to the same folder.
This might be caused by incomplete download of the full version or we are uploading the update version of the program - I encountered an error message "An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file. Delete File failed: Code 5. Access is denied." when trying to install the software. What's up?
The software must have been installed when not completely exited. Please make sure you have closed the interface of Flash Video MX and there is no FlashVideoMX.exe running on the task manager. If there is FlashVideoMX.exe on the list, select to end the program. Then double-click the installer again to install the software. If the error message still remains, please restart your computer and reinstall the software. The software then can be successfully installed. - I get the following error message when attempting to install the program. An error message "The PSAPI.DLL is linked to missing esport NTDLL.DLL: NtAllocateVirtualMemory"?
You must have installed the software on windows 98 or other OS, which the current software doesn't support. Please make sure the OS is Windows 2000 or above.
Top »- I just purchased the software, but when I enter the code, it keeps saying "Invalid registration code". Please make sure that there is no space in the beginning or at the end of the code; otherwise the code is recognized as an invalid code.
- When I purchased the software, I check to include CD version, but I still have no CD on hand.
Please inform us with the order number and your registered email address for the purchase. We will get back to you as soon as possible. - I've got the order number yet fail to find the registration number and info, and I have to re-install the program.
The reason is that the information on our backstage is not sufficient. You can contact us via support@video-to-flash.com or telephone. - I lost my registration code to unlock the program.
You can contact us with your order number and your registered email address for the purchase. You will retrieve it after the information is confirmed by us. - I want to change the registered email address.
If the question you have is not listed above, please go to FAQ, or Forum to search for further information. You can also send an email to support@video-to-flash.com with the questions. If you want to change your registered email address, please send us the order number and registered email address, and the email address you want to change to, plus mailing address or phone number or other information you keep for the purchase. - If I lost my registration number, I have to retrieve it.
Email us to retrieve the registration number at support@video-to-flash.com support@video-to-flash.com - What can I do if I want you to send me again the registration info without the registered email and the order number?
You can contact our support emails and tell us more info on the order, such as your name, purchase date, company name or anything else that you have, since it will help us find your registration info in a quicker way.
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